Sunday, March 18, 2007

XVid Crashed My Laptop. Almost.

Today I found a system message on my Apple laptop: "Your startup disk is full!". Scary! Who ate 45G space of my main disk just per one night?!!

Guilty was a huge error log[s], which was generated in /Library/Logs/Console/... because I've downloaded a XVid plugin for QuickTime: for playing with, but this beast didn't throw any complains, just silently generated huge amount of rubbish data.

Also one interesting moment: after I had removed the logs (rm command) and sync'ed disk, space still didn't changed at all. Everything fine become only after complete machine reboot. Weird.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Remote Printing from MacOSX

I've bought a laser printer to satisfy my small home needs. Since I don't print so often, no color photos (that's why photo lab is for!), no other color output — laser B&W printer looks for me the best choice. Model: "Brother HL-2040".

Now, I have two Macs laptops at home, one Linux box and one printer. Why not print over Wireless then? :-)

That's quick "howto" how I setup stuff.

On Linux box:
1. Setup printer on Linux box.
2. Setup Samba on Linux box and share printer.
3. Setup Samba users and add their passwords.

On each Mac just add remote printer. To do this, use "Printer Setup Utility". Click in Finter on "Applications", then "Utilities" and finally on "Printer Setup Utility". Click icon "Add" (printer). By default you will see only "Adobe PDF 7.0" driver. Now, click "More Printers..." button and wait while OSX stops searching for drivers. Choose "Windows Printing" from the topmost drop-down list and choose "Network Neighborhood" from the second one. Now you should see a list of available workgroups. Great, now click on workgroup, which shares your printer and click "Choose" button. You should see the list of available servers. Select yours and clicl "Choose" button. Now finally you see your desired printer. Select correct (or similar) driver from the drop down list and finally click "Add".

In my case CUPS does not contain HL-2040 driver, so I use HL-2060 instead. It does its job, however instead of 2400 dpi I've got just 600 dpi resolution... Well, nothing is perfect, but on paper for text output it is more than enough. Photos looks acceptable too.

Next move I will try to replace my current noisy heavy Linux box with another: KuroBox. But this is future...